Yinson Renewables Our project sites
A small-scale project on the eastern flanks of the Tararua Range
Yinson Renewables is applying for resource consent to develop a wind farm west of the Pahiatua township in the Manawatū-Whanganui region. This farmland is approximately 612 hectares, nestled between Tararua and Ballance roads, on the eastern flanks of the Tararua Range.
The region is becoming known around the world as a leader in onshore wind energy. The project location is well-serviced – it’s a local hub of expertise for constructing and operating wind energy assets. The proposed project site:
- has very good wind resource, confirmed with wind measurement data.
- has no ecological concerns that can’t be mitigated.
- offers good access for construction and for connecting to the grid.
The likely capacity of the wind farm would be from 32 MW to 56 MW, enough electricity to power between 18,000 and 32,000 homes.
Mana whenua
We acknowledge Rangitāne o Tamaki nui-ā-Rua and Ngāti Kahungunu ki Tāmaki nui-a-Rua as holding mana whenua over this project location. We’re grateful to be engaging with both iwi and continue to be guided by them as we move through the design and consenting process.
Process and timeline
Early 2022
Begin connecting with landowners, direct neighbours stakeholders and iwi
Onsite event with landowners, stakeholders, Council and mana whenua
Late 2022
Wind mast consent approved
3km radius letter drop, follow-up phone calls
Community event, Ballance School Hall
Wind mast installed
- 5km radius mail-out
- Community event, Ballance Community Hall
April onwards
Newsletters, phone and email continue
Initial application for referral into Fast-track lodged
April to August
Independent assessments in quality assessment phase
August to November
EPA publish information relating to the Fast-track referral application on their website. Our specialist assessment reports are not yet publicly available, that will happen once we lodge the substantive resource consent application with the EPA.
From March 2025
After lodgment of resource consent application in early 2025, EPA appoints Expert Consenting Panel, which calls for and receives submissions
March 2025
Resource consent application accepted by the EPA.
Fast-track consent
Pahiatua Wind Limited (owned by Yinson Renewables) is following the fast-track consenting process for this project, under the Natural and Built Environment Act 2023. A fast-track application must be robust and will be decided upon by an expert consenting panel appointed by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). We believe this process is an efficient way to build sustainable energy infrastructure in Aotearoa New Zealand.
We lodged our substantive consent application with the EPA in March 2025, who have now formally accepted it for processing. You can access the application on the EPA website.
We will provide a further update on our website once we hear back from the consenting panel on their decision.
Community engagement
- Active, face-to-face engagement with direct (adjacent) neighbours and with iwi
- Mail-outs and letter drops
- Community events (including an early event at the project site with the Mayor and Councillors, before putting up wind measuring equipment)
- Newsletters and email updates
- Social media, and working with local and national media
- An open phoneline and email, which we actively monitor
Community concerns and benefits
We’re gathering and responding to questions and concerns from community members in the Makomako, Ballance and Pahiatua area. We update these questions and answers regularly. If you have a question that isn’t answered here, please reach out to us.
Community fund
We invest in local communities, and actively contribute to local initiatives and projects.
We will be in conversation with community members about a community fund, to be steered by the local community. This fund would be established if consent is granted and construction begins.
Community newsletters
We issue regular newsletters to keep you informed on project progress:
If you’d like to receive these updates, by email or hard copy to your post box, please fill out our contact form at the bottom of this page.
Layout map
Until we lodge our full resource consent application, our wind farm site layout is still in development. We provide this working map for general information and engagement purposes only.
Specialist reports
We have commissioned a range of expert and technical assessment reports. These reports are in draft form right up until we lodge our full resource consent application. These reports will be made public on the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) website as soon as we lodge our full application. We aim to lodge this application in August 2023.